Planning Your Visit

Frequently Asked Questions:

What should I expect?

You should expect to be warmly welcomed by greeters and others who are glad you’ve come. Our worship gatherings normally last from 11:00-12:15 each Sunday and contain a mixture of music, prayer, and a message from the Bible.

How early should I get there?

We encourage arriving 10-15 minutes before the service starts. That will give you time to park, hear about our options for kids and nursery, and get settled in before service starts at 11:00.

How should I dress?

At Living Hope, you’ll see people of all ages wearing everything from dresses and ties to blue jeans and golf shirts. We believe God is most concerned about our heart, not our physical appearance.

Where do I park?

We have various parking areas on all sides of the church. Feel free to grab any open spot.

What style of music will I hear?

Our praise team utilizes songs from various eras and genres to facilitate a multi-generation worship experience. We believe that music can play a powerful role in reminding us of who God is and what he’s done, so we use any songs that help us celebrate him.

What do you have for kids?

During the worship service, we currently offer a kids church option and nursery. In seasons where volunteers have been limited due to COVID, we encourage the whole family to sit together in our main worship service.

Visit this Sunday

We would love to make your first visit with us extra special. From the first time you step foot onto our campus, you will feel like part of our family. Please complete the form below and someone will be in touch to help you plan your first Sunday at Living Hope!